At Dragon Song Productions, we are committed to providing a safe and welcoming space for all.
All of our productions include lights, live and recorded music, use of props and puppetry.
Relaxed performances
Moon Dragon, Sea Dragon and Ice Dragon are suitable for relaxed performances.
All three of our Dragon productions are all accompanied by a Pianist.
If you would like to discuss your access requirements, please contact us.
At all of our Dragon Shows, children are provided a backpack which includes various sensory and prop items:
Percussion instruments
sensory lights
Finger puppets
Safety goggles
Dress ups
Props Bag
If you would like to discuss your access requirements or would like further information, please contact us.

Props & Percussive instruments- Sea Dragon for Babies

Props & Percussive instruments - Sea Dragon for Under 6's

Props & Percussive instruments - Ice Dragon for Babies

Props & Percussive instruments - Ice Dragon for Under 6's

Props & Percussive instruments- Moon Dragon for Babies

Props & Percussive instruments - Moon Dragon for Under 6's