Unlock your imagination

Dragon Tales

Dragon Tales is an early years education programme, that explores the fundamentals of music, storytelling and improvisation.

This programme is perfect for early years primary school & nurseries.

If you would like to bring Dragon Tales to your school or nursery, please contact us.

Dragon Tales

At Dragon Song Productions, supporting early years music education is paramount to our values.

As we are also specialists in this area, we offer Dragon Tales in the shape of workshops/schools/nurseries.

Dragon Tales is an educational improvisation programme, where we bring puppets and storytelling into a workshop setting.

Our sessions feature interaction with the children, to help tell stories about the puppet characters, whilst also creating musical sounds and dance, to help boost imagination.

In addition to our show and workshop, we offer teacher packs aligned with the Curriculum for Excellence. These packs provide supplementary materials and facilitate the creation of follow-up activities to enhance the children's overall learning experience.